![Closed-circuit television](https://i.imgur.com/V77cS6V.jpg)
Closed-circuit TV cameras (CCTV) can defend your business from theft as well as vandalism. They also catch criminals who take or alter your business's assets. This is the case for a variety of types of companies, such as retail stores, office buildings as well as multi-family housing structures, such as apartment buildings.
There are so many options, however, it can be difficult to choose the right one to meet your requirements. It is best to have an expert guide in choosing the devices that meet your requirements. Below are three crucial features for CCTV cameras.
High Resolution
High resolution is an essential characteristic security camera. The resolution of your camera may make an important difference between blurry, blurry footage that obscures important events or clear, high-quality photos that permit you to see who is in a scene. It is a good idea to choose cameras with the most high-quality resolution that you can afford.
The resolution you'll need will vary based on whether you're purchasing analog or digital gadgets. Digital cameras transform analog signals to digital images and send them to DVR. The resolution range of an analog camera ranges from 450TVL (TV lines) to 700TVL (or up to 960H by 480W pixels).
When you purchase this camera, you should also consider the maximum resolution of your DVR. The DVR will only digitalize images at its maximum resolution. Your 700TVL camera could be high-resolution, but your DVR will only be able to capture at 500TVL. High-resolution DVRs can produce the best quality images.
Digital cameras, on the other side, however, produce images inside the camera, and then send the data to the recording device. Technically, digital cameras don't have a maximum limit for their resolution. Instead, you'll have to make sure that the resolution is in line with the amount of storage space available on the recording media.
Recordings of night and daytime
If you will be recording for 24 hours, you should invest in cameras that can take pictures even in dim lighting. They usually come with night vision, or infrared lighting which provides the brightness the camera requires to capture clear images even when it's dark in the area being recorded.
There are two options to consider for purchasing security camera within this class. There is a daytime camera , but with a night setting that switches the recording from color to black and white, that allows it to record in dim lighting. These cameras should be used in locations where there may remain a tiny amount of light, for example from a light source such as a nightlight moon, or a motion sensor light that comes on whenever movement is detected.
Infrared lighting is best in areas with any light. This light is typically placed within the camera and gives sufficient illumination to allow the camera to capture photographs.
Remote Access
Another attribute you should look for in a camera is remote access capabilities. This means that you will be able to manage the camera from afar using an app for your tablet or smartphone. Some cameras allow you to watch the video feed on a special website.
Regardless of how you connect to your CCTV camera control, being able to control them remotely allows you to check in on your business whenever you want without placing yourself in danger's way. It is particularly helpful when traveling or you need to ensure your employees aren't slacking off whenever you leave the premises.